Beekeeping demonstration Hawkesbury Agricultural College c.1910 courtesy of the state Library of NSW
The next meeting of the Orange and district history alive series will take place next Wednesday 11th June and will be on the subject of Beekeeping past and present. Speakers will be Grant Lockwood from the Beekeeper’s Inn /Goldfields Honey at Vittoria, and society member Narelle Campbell.
The history of beekeeping in Australia is a very interesting one as is the story of the honeybee and its industrious activities. Bees are important not only for the honey they provide us with, but are also crucial to the pollination and hence food production of many crops. The industry has many facets from the production of the hardware ,the management of hive s, the production and marketing of the honey and the provision of bees and queens to stock the hives both here and for export overseas.
Grant Lockwood and Goldfields Honey are involved in many of these activities and there is one better in the local area to share his expertise with us. Narelle Campbell has had a lifetime in the agricultural sector and will speak on the honey bee itself and the importance of bees to the agricultural industries..
The meeting will take place at Orange Senior Citizens Centre (entry from Woolworths car park) on Wednesday, June 11th at 7 for 7.30pm. There is a small charge of $3 for members of Orange and District Historical Society and $5 for non-members, to cover costs. Light refreshments will be served. If you have any inquiries or would like to attend the meeting, please RSVP Narelle Campbell 0438 669 145,(email:Â camleg02@bigpond.com ), or Phil Stevenson on 0402 412 188 (email: ibiswines@bigpond.com)
There will also be follow up excursion to the Beekeepers Inn Vittoria on Sunday 22nd June 10am-4pm. The excursion will include tours of the historic inn, the honey factory and brewery, and will include morning tea and lunch all for the cost of $25.00. Contacts as above.