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Orange & District Historical Society

One hundred and fifty years of newspapers in Orange

By March 14, 2011No Comments

The title for the Orange and District Historical Society's meeting this Wednesday 16th March will be:

One hundred and fifty years of newspapers in Orange – Printers ,pressmen and proof readers

There will be three speakers with a great depth of experience in the industry and are sure to have many others in the audience who will contribute from he floor. Our speakers are:-

Liz Edwards
Liz will talk about her interest in the early history of Orange newspapers in relation to her plans to republish journalist Joe Glasson's 'Through the Looking Glass' articles about Orange people and places in the first 50 years of the 20th century. Liz worked at the CWD from 1986 as journalist and sub editor and since retirement has written a number of books on Orange history. Her latest ,”In Sickness and in Health – a medical history of Orange” will be launched on 31th of March.

Brian Kelly
Brian began work at the “Western stock and Station Journal” in Kite Street in 1960 as a printer machinist before going to join the “Australian” in Canberra and Sydney in 1965. In 1970 he joined the CWD in Orange until printing in Orange ceased in 1988 and he went to G K Craig Printers and Westlink Print in Orange until retirement in 2008.

Kevin Daniel
Kevin followed his legendary father,Fred, as a printer machinist in the commercial printing section of the CWD in 1959 before leaving in 1986 to go to Email and G K Craig printers until he retired in 2009 after 50 years in the trade.

The meeting will commence at the Gladstone Hotel 7 for 7.30 with charges of $3 for members and $5 for non members to cover expenses and supper.

For further information contact:

Phil Stevenson
Events Committee
Orange and District Historical Society
0402 412 188